The show is on hiatus this week as Edwin heads to Mexico City for his Scholar-in-Residence, which includes a live show on the 22nd. While we're away, please have another look at our examination of Woodrow Wilson.
The show is on hiatus this week because Edwin is lecturing at SMU and USF. We’ll be back on November 2 with another informative and insightful edition of the show. While we’re away, please take another look at “Is a Two-State Solution Dead?” S2 E45.
G’mar Hatimah Tova!
May you be sealed in the Book of Life!
May you have a meaningful fast.
We’ll be back on September 28 with another informative, incisive, and illuminating exploration of our fragmented world, our turbulent history, our very very tense present, and our evolving and uncertain future.
The show is on hiatus for Labor Day. Edwin, Carol, and Team Black join you in wishing a fond farewell to summer; we’ll be back on September 7 with another round of Edwin answering unanswered questions.